1 |
Adsorptive removal of CO2 from flue gas
Aleksandrzak, Tomasz; Zabielska, Kamila; Gabruś, Elżbieta |
2 |
Antioxidant capacity of fortified rapeseed oil with phenolipids during storage in different conditions
Rabiej, Dobrochna; Szydłowska-Czerniak, Aleksandra |
3 |
Application of size-dependent growth kinetic model for estimation of struvite nucleation and crystal growth rates in sewages of different impurities composition
Hutnik, Nina; Stanclik, Anna; Piotrowski, Krzysztof; Matynia, Andrzej |
4 |
Biological activity and stability of plant extracts
Ostolski, Mateusz; Śnieżawska, Magdalena; Adamczak, Marek |
5 |
Sitkey, Vladimir; Dočolomanský, Peter |
6 |
BMP tests of lipids produced in industrial WWTP
Hencelová, Kristína; Jankejech, Peter; Chávez Fuentes, Juan José; Gróf, Nikolas; Barbušová, Jana ; Hutňan, Miroslav |
7 |
Carboxylic acid separation from its diluted aqueous solution using ionic liquid
Jánošíková, Šárka; Graczová, Elena; Steltenpohl, Pavol |
8 |
Proorocu, Marian; Avram, Cristina; TUPITA, Maria |
9 |
Chromatographic separation of enzymes used for the production of terpenes
Karkeszová, Klaudia; Illeová, Viera; Antošová, Monika; Polakovič, Milan |
10 |
Comparative exposure analysis for multiple HAZMAT transports on Valea Oltului Area, Romania.
Radovici, Andrei; Torok, Zoltan ; Ozunu, Alexandru |
11 |
Comparative studies on membrane assisted purification of tyrosinase versus salting out technique followed by chromatography
Labus, Karolina; Wiśniewski, Łukasz ; Cieńska, Małgorzata; Bryjak, Jolanta |
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12 |
Composition of volatile compounds in Calypogeia azurea (Calypogeiaceae, Marchantiophyta)
Wawrzyniak, Rafał; Guzowska, Małgorzata; Wasiak, Wiesław; Jasiewicz, Beata; Gonera, Patrycja; Bączkiewicz, Alina; Buczkowska-Chmielewska, Katarzyna |
13 |
Composition of volatile compounds in Calypogeia suecica (Calypogeiaceae, Marchantiophyta)
Wawrzyniak, Rafał; Guzowska, Małgorzata; Wasiak, Wiesław; Jasiewicz, Beata; Gonera, Patrycja; Bączkiewicz, Alina; Buczkowska-Chmielewska, Katarzyna |
14 |
Continues biogas purification realized by spiral wound thin-film composite membrane
Morávková, Lenka; Žák, Michal ; Petrusová, Zuzana; Šolcová, Olga; Izak, Pavel |
15 |
Co-operation of the Fire Rescue Service with specialists for the prevention of Major Industrial Accidents (MIA)
Lalík, Tomáš |
16 |
Crude selection in Slovnaft by using simulation software
Kudláčová, Gabriela; Polakovičová, Marta; Brunnerová, Eva |
17 |
Cultivation Strategies for Photobionts isolated from lichens
Matejčíková, Anna; Loureiro, Luís ; Polakovič, Milan; Vicente, António |
18 |
Design of an Optimal Solution for Water Cooling of Polymerization Reactors on PP3 Operation Unit
Véghová, Lenka; Variny, Miroslav; Margetiny, Tibor |
19 |
Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration of Sodium Decanoate by Raman Spectroscopy
Becherová, Lucia; Prokopec, Vadym; Honetschlägerová, Lenka ; Čejková, Jitka |
20 |
Determination of metallic impurities in the copper deposit obtained by electroextraction from solution resulted in the recycling of Waste Printed Circuit Board
Covaci, Eniko; Dorneanu, Sorin-Aurel ; Cotolan, Nicoleta; Frentiu, Tiberiu |
21 |
Dye solutions decolorization by combined adsorption-membrane processes
Gabruś, Elżbieta ; Borysiak, Martyna |
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22 |
Effect of concentrations of metal ions specific to phosphorus mineral fertilizer industry wastewaters on continuous reaction crystallization of struvite
Hutnik, Nina; Stanclik, Anna; Piotrowski, Krzysztof; Matynia, Andrzej |
23 |
Effect of microwave heating on fruit pulps properties
Walter, Marcin; Ostolski, Mateusz; Adamczak, Marek |
24 |
Electrothermal regeneration of BPL activated carbon: Possibilities for improvement of process efficiency
Downarowicz, Dorota; Kowalski, Krzysztof |
25 |
Estimation of the Efficacy of Castor oil Coupled with Ammonium Ionic Liquid for the Extraction of Acrylic Acid from Binary Phase System
Athankar, Kanti Kumar; Marták, Ján |
26 |
Evaluation of properties of heterogeneous ion exchange membrane according to the processing time
Weinertová, Kristýna; Václavíková, Natália; Stránská, Eliška |
27 |
Evaluation of the existing C4 fractionation process retrofit possibility by the incorporation of a heat pump
Variny, Miroslav; Švistun, Ladislav; Mierka, Otto; Kováč, Norbert |
28 |
Experimental study and equilibrium modeling of nitrogen adsorption on zeolite 13X
Aleksandrzak, Tomasz; Zabielska, Kamila; Gabruś, Elżbieta |
29 |
Experimental study of conversion in catalytic particulate filters
Pečinka, Rudolf; Žák, Adrián; Kočí, Petr |
30 |
Experimental study of the effect of polymeric drag reducing additive on turbulent flow in a vertical pipe
Puškášová, Eva; Dzianik, František; Gužela, Štefan |
31 |
Functional hydrogel films based on natural origin compounds
Wasiak, Natalia; Labus, Karolina |
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32 |
Gas Sweetening Process Simulation - Comparison of equilibrium and nonequilibrium models prediction
Tóth, Tamás; Samu, Zsolt; Šulgan, Branislav; Labovská, Zuzana |
33 |
GPU accelerated chemical engineering applications
Danko, Matej; Labovský, Juraj; Jelemenský, Ľudovít |
34 |
Heat transfer investigations in a liquid that is mixed by means of a multi-ribbon mixer
Borowski, Tomasz; Sołoducha , Dawid ; Konopacki , Maciej; Kordas, Marian; Rakoczy, Rafał |
35 |
Hydrolysis of the egg white and soy proteins by the alcalase-alginate-EE biocatalyst
Jonovic, Marko; Zuza, Milena ; Djordjevic, Verica; Milivojevic, Milan; Bugarski, Branko; Knežević-Jugović, Zorica |
36 |
Immobilization of the alcalase onto chitosan/TPP beads obtained by inverse emulsion technique
Zuza, Milena ; Milasinovic, Nikola; Jonovic, Marko; Kalagasidis-Krusic, Melina; Knežević-Jugović, Zorica |
37 |
Improvement of sludge management of municipal WWTP
Gróf, Nikolas; Hutňan, Miroslav; Barbušová, Jana ; Hencelová, Kristína; Prušanská, Milena |
38 |
Influence of plant extracts on microorganisms and enzymes
Śnieżawska, Magdalena; Ostolski, Mateusz; Adamczak, Marek |
39 |
Intensification of reaction-diffusion processes by magnetic nanomixing
Zadražil, Aleš; Štěpánek, František |
40 |
Investigation into how the concentration of sodium decanoate impacts the chemotactic behaviour of decanol droplets
Jack, Megan; Čejková, Jitka |
41 |
Isolation of aucubin from Plantago lanceolata
Sitkey, Vladimir; Chochulová, Alžbeta ; Štefuca, Vladimir |
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42 |
Lactic acid separation by the liquid membrane at high pH.
Kracík, Tomáš; Moucha, Tomas |
43 |
Lignocellulosic biomass processing for hydrogen generation via dark fermentation
Kucharska, Karolina; Słupek, Edyta; Cieśliński, Hubert; Kamiński, Marian |
44 |
Frolkova, Anastasia; Zhuchkov, Valeriy; Maluygin, Alexander ; Frolkova, Alla |
45 |
Mathematical modelling of natural flavours production and separation in hybrid system of two membrane bioreactors
Vavro, Matej; Mihaľ, Mário; Markoš, Jozef |
46 |
Mathematical model of screw pyrolysis reactor
Husár, Jakub; Šuhaj, Patrik; Haydary, Juma; Béreš, Matúš |
47 |
Measurement of external leaks of different types of ion-exchange membranes and spacers
Bernardová, Eva |
48 |
Mesophilic and thermophilic fermentation course analysis using sensor matrices
Słupek, Edyta; Kucharska, Karolina; Gębicki, Jacek |
49 |
Jovanović, Jelena; Stefanović, Andrea; Šekuljica, Nataša; Gazikalović, Ivana; Luković, Nevena ; Jakovetić Tanasković, Sonja; Knežević-Jugović, Zorica |
50 |
Multi-scale modelling of gasoline particulate filters employing 3D X-ray tomography
Placha, Marie; Pečinka, Rudolf; Václavík, Marek; Isoz, Martin; Leskovjan, Martin; Kočí, Petr; Price, Emily; Thompsett, David |
51 |
Numerical study of macroscopic flow in electrodialysis spacers
Leskovjan, Martin |
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52 |
Optimisation of heavy residue hydrocracking based on temperature control system upgrade
Bartoš, Matej; Janošovský, Ján; Labovský, Juraj |
53 |
Oxygen absorption in aqueous/perfluorinated system supported to wave-type agitation
Wierzchowski, Kamil; Sobieszuk, Paweł; Pilarek, Maciej |
54 |
Performance of catalysts with different nature in model tar component decomposition
Šupa, Ivan; Dénešová, Karin; Ťapuš, Jozef; Husár, Jakub; Šuhaj, Patrik; Haydary, Juma; Steltenpohl, Pavol |
55 |
Prediction of power consumption in mechanically agitated gas-liquid reactors in non-coalescent batch
Kracík, Tomáš; Moucha, Tomas; Petříček, Radim |
56 |
Preparation and characterization of biopolymeric microcellular foams
Bouřa, Patrik; Nistor, Andra; Zubov, Alexandr; Kosek, Juraj |
57 |
Pressure Decay Method for Experimental Study of Diffusion in Polyolefins
Klimošek, Jakub; Lásková, Martina; Krajáková, Lenka; Kosek, Juraj |
58 |
Processing of old flotation tailings of copper-zinc sulfide ore
Bulaev, Aleksandr; Melamud, Vitaliy; Valiev, Khusain; Bugubayeva, Aliya; Amandikova, Aigul |
59 |
Refinery margin improvement by proper molecule management of Gasoline blending components
Lőrincz, Réka ; Hanus, Kristián; Kállay, Dávid; Kovačin, Peter |
60 |
Relevance of mathematical model selection for process hazards identification
Kačmárová, Adriána; Janošovský, Ján; Labovská, Zuzana; Labovský, Juraj; Jelemenský, Ľudovít |
61 |
Removal of pesticide lindane by means of oxidation processes
Čižmárová, Oľga; Tonhajzerová, Martina; Derco, Ján; Urminská, Barbora |
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62 |
Research of the properties of binary biazeotropic mixtures
Bedretdinov, Farid; Tsvetov, Nikita; Raeva, Valentina; Chelyuskina, Tatiana |
63 |
Safe and efficient stabilization of nanofluids
Wciślik, Sylwia |
64 |
Selection of microorganisms using n-butanol and cyclohexane as a source of carbon for biofiltration process
Gospodarek, Milena; Brillowska-Dąbrowska, Anna; Rybarczyk, Piotr; Gębicki, Jacek |
65 |
Separation of Phenylacetic Acid Solution by Conventional Electrodialysis at Elevated Temperature
Václavík, Lukáš; Tocháčková, Anna |
66 |
Separation of saline oily wastewater by membrane distillation
Gryta, Marek |
67 |
Separation of sodium and calcium chloride using ED with monovalent-ion-selective membranes
Havelka, Jan; Kotala, Tomáš; Jiříček, Tomáš |
68 |
Simulation based monitoring at Slovnaft Refinery
Lőrincz, Réka |
69 |
Simulation of desorption process of 2-phenyl ethanol from fixed bed adsorption collumn using Maxwell-Stefan theory.
Kando, Róbert; Červeňanský, Ivan; Markoš, Jozef |
70 |
Simultaneous removal of n-butanol and cyklohexane from air in a biotrickling filter
Rybarczyk, Piotr; Gospodarek, Milena; Szulczynski, Bartosz; Gębicki, Jacek |
71 |
Šekuljica, Nataša; Ali Salim, Abdalla; Luković, Nevena ; Jovanović, Jelena; Jakovetić Tanasković, Sonja; Grbavčić, Sanja; Knežević-Jugović, Zorica |
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72 |
Strategies of chromatographic purification of recombinant human erythropoietin
Polakovič, Milan; Adamíková, Jana; Antošová, Monika |
73 |
Studies of a neutralization reaction induced by a rotating magnetic field
Sołoducha , Dawid ; Borowski, Tomasz; Konopacki , Maciej; Kordas, Marian; Rakoczy, Rafał |
74 |
Studies of composition variability of the oily wastewaters colected from harbour
Gryta, Marek |
75 |
Study of chlorinated acid dyes separation using low-melting quaternary ammonium and phosphonium salts
Weidlich, Tomáš; Kamenická, Barbora |
76 |
Study of dehalogenation of Diclofenac using Raney Al-Ni alloy in aqueous alkaline medium
Bendová, Helena ; Weidlich, Tomáš |
77 |
Synthesis and Characterization of Fluorescent Silver Nanoclusters
Świtalska, Angelika; Guzowska, Małgorzata; Juskowiak, Bernard |
78 |
Synthesis and characterization of magnetic nanomaterials with adsorptive properties
Lendzion-Bieluń, Zofia; Wojciechowska, Agnieszka |
79 |
Technological possibilities to the production of xanthohumol-enriched beers
Walter, Marcin; Siwek, Adam; Adamczak, Marek |
80 |
Temperature dependence of swelling kinetics of gelatin-based hydrogel materials
Labus, Karolina; Radosinski, Lukasz; Żemojtel, Piotr |
81 |
The activation of hydrotreating catalysts
Bakoš, Ján; Evin, Martin; Zsigmond, René |
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82 |
The green synthesis of furfuryl alcohol using homogeneous and heterogeneous catalyst system
Tukacs, József; Mika, Laszlo T. |
83 |
The potential of waste fungal biomass for metal adsorption from aqueous solution
Rozman, Ula; Žgajnar Gotvajn, Andreja; Marolt, Gregor; Gregori, Andrej; Kalčikova, Gabriela |
84 |
Validation of flame atomic absorption spectrometry for the determination of metals in the extract resulted in the leaching of Waste Printed Circuit Board
Covaci, Eniko; Dorneanu, Sorin-Aurel ; Cotolan, Nicoleta; Frentiu, Tiberiu |
85 |
Volumetric mass transfer coefficient in the gas-liquid contactor agitated by Rushton turbines of various diameters in non-coalescent batch
Kracík, Tomáš; Moucha, Tomas; Petříček, Radim |
86 |
Water Purification by Tailored Methods
Šnajdaufová, Hana; Krystyník, Pavel; Maléterová, Ywetta; Soukup, Karel; Šolcová, Olga |
87 |
Water Transport in Heterogeneous Ion-exchange Membranes
Landová, Martina; Neděla, David; Hloušková, Barbora |
88 |
Wustite doped with NiO as a precursor catalyst for the ammonia decomposition reaction.
Lendzion-Bieluń, Zofia; Głowacka, Agnieszka; Jurkowski, Artur |