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Title Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration of Sodium Decanoate by Raman Spectroscopy
Status Accepted
Final type Poster
Final session Reaction engineering and catalysis
Authors L., Becherová1, V., Prokopec2, L., Honetschlägerová3, J., Čejková4
1 University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Prague 6, Czechia
2 University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Praque 6, Czechia
3 University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Prague 6, Czechia
4 University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Prague 6, Czechia
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Brief content Methods based on normal and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy are considered as appropriate tools for studying different systems, for example, to examine movement of particles and structural changes or study micelle formation in chemical systems. Despite these facts, Raman spectroscopy is not commonly used for determination of critical micelle concentration (CMC) in surfactant systems. CMC is the concentration above which micelle formation begins and it is important parameter from a practical point of view and a characteristic feature of each micelle-forming compound. The presented work is focused on the spectroscopic study of sodium decanoate (NaD) and the determination of CMC of this system.
ID 160