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Title Population balance modelling and experimental investigation of reactive dissolution of microparticles
Status Accepted
Final type Lecture
Final session Reaction engineering and catalysis
Authors S., Djukaj1, R., Lehocký2, J., Kolář3, D., Pěček4, F., Štěpánek5
1 University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czechia
2 University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czechia
3 University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czechia
4 Zentiva k.s., Prague, Czechia
5 University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Prague, Czechia
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Brief content Dissolution testing is widely used during drug formulation. However, to achieve a desired dissolution rate, many time consuming experiments need to be conducted, since the dissolution rate strongly depends on particle size used. To eliminate the need of such experiment, we suggest a population balance model, which simulates the evolution of particle size distribution over time and predicts the reactive dissolution. The simulation results were validated by experiments carried out in a stirred flow cell of a laser diffraction analyzer. The unknown parameters were fitted against the experimental data. Our results indicate that the model is able to simulate similar evolution of particle size distribution and predict the reactive dissolution , in agreement with experimental data measured.
ID 158