Contribution information

Title Optimisation of heavy residue hydrocracking based on temperature control system upgrade
Status Accepted
Final type Poster
Final session Industrial process design and control
Authors M., Bartoš1, J., Janošovský2, J., Labovský3
1 Institute of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, FCHPT STU, Bratislava, Slovakia
2 Centrum výskumu a vývoja, s. r. o., Leopoldov, Slovakia
3 Institute of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, FCHPT STU, Bratislava, Slovakia
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Brief content This contribution focuses on the development cycle of an improved temperature control system for an industrial heavy residue hydrocracking cascade system consisting of three ebulated-bed RHC (Residual HydroCracker) reactors connected in series. Each reactor was equipped with ca. 200 thermocouples to measure temperature profile that was one of the key indicators of reactor performance. The developed tool was readily available to be included into existing process control system and it was adapted into the operating practice.
ID 87