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Title Evaluation of properties of heterogeneous ion exchange membrane according to the processing time
Status Accepted
Final type Poster
Final session Separation processes
Authors K., Weinertová1, N., Václavíková2, E., Stránská3
1 MemBrain s.r.o., Stráž pod Ralskem, Czechia
2 MemBrain s.r.o., Stráž pod Ralskem, Czechia
3 MemBrain s.r.o., Stráž pod Ralskem, Czechia
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Brief content This work focused on the possibility of thermal degradation during the preparation of heterogeneous anion exchange membranes (AEMs) by extrusion. By multiple extrusions (up to 10 cycles) different processing time of anion exchange blends was obtained. AEMs were subjected to determination of ion exchange capacity (IEC), permselectivity, area and specific resistance. Only the resistance determination was able to expose the probable AER degradation.
ID 38