Contribution information

Title Preparation and characterization of biopolymeric microcellular foams
Status Accepted
Final type Poster
Final session Momentum, heat and mass transfer
Authors P., Bouřa1, A., Nistor2, A., Zubov3, J., Kosek4
1 Department of Chemical Engineering, UCT Prague, Prague, Czechia
2 Department of Chemical Engineering, UCT Prague, Prague, Czechia
3 University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Prague, Czechia
4 Department of Chemical Engineering, UCT Prague, Prague 6, Czechia
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Brief content Currently there is a higher demand for the use of renewable materials, particularly due to an increasing plastics pollution. One of the promising solutions is the replacement of traditional petroleum-based polymers by environmentally friendly biopolymers. The presented work focuses on the preparation and the characterization of polylactic acid (PLA) microcellular foams by unconventional method of thermally induced phase separation, which allows the preparation of foams with open-cell structure, closed-cell structure or even their combination. Environmentally friendly acetic acid was used as a PLA solvent, phase diagram of polymer-solvent system was measured, and resulting foam properties were characterized by various methods.
ID 34