Contribution information

Title Novel methodology of combined process hazard and energy efficiency analysis in chemical industry
Status Accepted
Final type Lecture
Final session Risk management and process safety
Authors J., Janošovský1, M., Danko2, Z., Labovská3, J., Labovský4, Ľ., Jelemenský5
1 Centrum výskumu a vývoja, s. r. o., Leopoldov, Slovakia
2 Institute of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, FCHPT STU, Bratislava, Slovakia
3 Institute of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, FCHPT STU, Bratislava, Slovakia
4 Institute of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, FCHPT STU, Bratislava, Slovakia
5 Institute of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, FCHPT STU, Bratislava, Slovakia
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Brief content In this lecture, novel methodology combining principles of HAZOP (HAZard and OPerability) study and energy audit will be introduced. The presented methodology is based on rigorous mathematical modeling and its implementation into an existing software solution for automated hazard identification. The parallel assessment of process hazards and overall process energy efficiency can dramatically improve decision making when selecting between multiple process designs.
ID 92