Contribution information

Title Conjoining two effects sterilisation and nanobubble generation using sonotrode
Status Accepted
Final type Lecture
Final session Engineering and economy in biotechnology
Authors K., Ulatowski1, P., Sobieszuk2
1 Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, Warsaw, Poland
2 Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, Warszawa, Poland
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Brief content Nanobubbles are characterised by diameter under 1 μm and various properties which distinguish them from their macroscale counterparts. Fine bubbles (i.e. micro- and nanobubbles) are used in various biological applications, but their usage in microbiological studies is limited due to the lack of sterility during generation. However, there is one method that is widely used in sterilisation, which is also one of the methods for nanobubble generation - ultrasonication. For that reason, the study of simultaneous sterilisation of aqueous media and nanobubble generation was carried out.
ID 28