Contribution information

Title Characterization of nanostructured materials in electrochemical microfluidic systems
Status Accepted
Final type Lecture
Final session Momentum, heat and mass transfer
Authors D., Kralik1, Š., Halada2, Z., Slouka3
1 UCT Prague, Prague, Czechia
2 UCT Prague, Prague, Czechia
3 UCT Prague, Prague, Czechia
Uploaded abstract link
Brief content This lecture deals with the use of nanostructured conductive materials for electrochemical nad biosensing applications, namely nanostructured polypyrrole and carbon nanotubes. First, we describe out technologies for manufacturing microfluidic systems with integrated bed of aforementioned materials for wet applications. These chips can be contacted through solid electrodes formed by the same nanostructured material. Second we characterize the bed electrochemically and evaluate its properties with respect to biosensing and energy storage.
ID 54