Contribution information

Title A Population Balance Model for Calculation of Total Evaporation Rate during Fluid Bed Granulation
Status Accepted
Final type Lecture
Final session Reaction engineering and catalysis
Authors P., Rajniak1
1 Ústav chemického a environmentálneho inžinierstva, FChPT STU, Bratislava, Slovakia
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Brief content Fluid bed granulation is an important but complicated unit operation of the pharmaceutical production. Granule growth is impacted by the hydrodynamics of the gas + solid flow, agglomeration kinetics, spray properties and by the heat and mass transfer in the granulator. It was observed, that the granule moisture is also strongly influencing the granule growth. Therefore it is important to understand and predict the granule moisture by solving total heat and mass balances in the unit. Several methodologies were tested and compared for the calculation of the evaporation rate. It seems that a population balance model calculating evaporation rates from droplets of different sizes and ages is a good predicting tool for the evaporation rate calculation and is recommended for incorporation into the model of the fluid bed granulator.
ID 130