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Title Immobilization of the alcalase onto chitosan/TPP beads obtained by inverse emulsion technique
Status Accepted
Final type Poster
Final session Engineering and economy in biotechnology
Authors M., Zuza1, N., Milasinovic2, M., Jonovic3, M., Kalagasidis-Krusic4, Z., Knežević-Jugović5
1 Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia
2 Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia
3 Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia
4 Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia
5 Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia
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Brief content In this study, the alcalase covalent immobilization onto different types of chitosan/TPP beads obtained by inverse emulsion technique was studied. Parameters examined under different conditions were enzyme loading, enzyme capacity yield and biocatalyst activity. The highest activity and enzyme loading of 2.2 IU and 117.1 mg/g, respectively, were achieved.
ID 52