Contribution information

Title Measurement and mathematical description of the high-pressure phase equilibrium of the carbon dioxide acetone isopropanol system
Status Accepted
Final type Poster
Final session Separation processes
Authors M., Kőrösi1, P., Miranda Rey2, C., Varga3, D., Dudás4, E., Székely5
1 Budapest Universitiy of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
2 Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering, Budapest, Hungary
3 Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering, Budapest, Hungary
4 Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering, Budapest, Hungary
5 Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
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Brief content The measurement and mathematical description of high-pressure phase equilibrium data is required for the design of separation processes such as supercritical fluid extraction. The ternary phase equilibrium of carbon dioxide, acetone and 2-propanol was studied using the cloud point – redissolution point method in the 35-55 °C temperature and 5-12 MPa pressure ranges. Empirical equations and equations of state were both suitable to describe the measurement results.
ID 488