Contribution information

Title Fluid-bed processing of nanosuspensions: Excipient-dependent drug release
Status Accepted
Final type Poster
Final session Industrial process design and control
Authors O., Navrátil1, J., Mužík2, S., Chvíla3, F., Štěpánek4
1 University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Praha, Czechia
2 University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Prague, Czechia
3 University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Prague, Czechia
4 University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Prague, Czechia
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Brief content In this work, we examine the potential of a drug delivery system made using a Wurster fluid-bed coating process in combination with a prior transformation of the active pharmaceutical ingredient into a form of nanosuspension. On a bench-scale fluid-bed coater we apply coatings of different excipients incorporating the nanosuspension. As the nanosuspension is immediately soluble, the influence of the excipients is studied as the governing factor for the drug release kinetics.
ID 472