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Title Efficient removal of mercury from acidic solutions of HgCl2 by sorbents prepared from vegetable oils by inverse vulcanization
Status Accepted
Final type Poster
Final session Environmental engineering
Authors K., Svoboda1, T., Ružovič2, M., Pohořelý 3
1 Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i., Prague 6 - Suchdol, Czechia
2 University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague, Prague 6, Czechia
3 Institute of Chem. Process Fundam. of the CAS, v.v.i. , Prague 6, Czechia
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Brief content Gaseous HCl and a significant part of HgCl2 vapors present in flue gas from solid waste incineration can be removed from flue gas by absorption into hot water. Efficiencies of Hg2+ removal from acidic water solutions by means of sorbents prepared by catalyzed reaction of sulfur with vegetable oils (inverse vulcanization) were studied. These kinds of sorbents were tested and found to be exploitable for removal of mercury ions from acidic solutions containing HCl at higher temperatures (50 – 75 oC), also in presence of salts of some other metallic elements (Fe, Zn, Ca). Mercury adsorbed on such sorbents changes relatively quickly into non-toxic form of HgS. Leaching of zinc from the catalyst (Zn-diethyl-dithiocarbamate) contained in the vulcanized sorbents is negligible at neutral pH conditions and small (about 10 %) at acidic conditions (pH = 1.5).
ID 438