Contribution information

Title Electrodialysis with heterogeneous ion-exchange membranes as competitive technology in ZLD applications
Status Accepted
Final type Plenary lecture
Final session PERMEA 2022 - Electro-membrane processes
Authors J., Fehér1, N., Václavíková2
1 MemBrain, Stráž pod Ralskem, Czechia
2 MemBrain s.r.o., Stráž pod Ralskem, Czechia
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Brief content Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) is an advanced water treatment process with the goal of reusing as much water as possible in the production process without the need to discharge any waste. ZLD process typically involves the following steps: pretreatment, concentration and thermal treatment. Concentration of dissolved solids in the ZLD system is usually accomplished by membrane technologies, such as reverse osmosis (RO), electrodialysis (ED) or by a combination of RO with ED. With the help of ED technology or the combination of RO + ED, recovery of more than 98 % of treated water can be achieved.
ID 437