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Title A novel method for calculating greenhouse gas emissions from the combustion of energy fuels
Status Accepted
Final type Poster
Final session Environmental engineering
Authors I., Iliev1, H., Beloev2, D., Ilieva3
1 Department of Heat engineering, hydraulic and environmental engineering, Ruse University, Ruse, Bulgaria
2 University of Ruse, Ruse, Bulgaria
3 University of Telecommunications and Post, Sofia, Bulgaria
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Brief content An analysis of the methods used in Bulgaria for estimating CO2, SO2 and dust emissions has been made. The first methodology, which is officially used by all energy auditors at the Agency for Sustainable Energy Development, is designed primarily for energy efficiency of combustion devices for industrial enterprises. The second methodology used by the Ministry of Environment and Water is more comprehensive and can be applied to thermal power plants and small combustion plants as well as industrial systems. A novel methodology based on stoichiometric equations of the combustion process for solid, liquid and gaseous fuels is proposed. The novel methodology is characterized by higher precision compared to the currently used methods for calculating emissions from the combustion of energy fuels as it accounts for the full elemental composition of the fuel and its heating value, whereas the current commonly used methods in Bulgaria use only the fuel type and the carbon content. A further benefit of the proposed methodology is the ability to estimate emissions of fuels for which there is no alternative method for calculating CO2, SO2 and dust. Results of emission calculations according to the analyzed methods are presented. A comparative analysis was made between the presented methodologies including an assessment of their accuracy and universal applicability.
ID 430