Contribution information

Title Development and implementation of the so-called standby operation mode for the biological stage of the WWTP Volkswagen Slovakia as a preventive measure for prolonged periods of lower hydraulic loading rates
Status Accepted
Final type Lecture
Final session Environmental engineering
Authors J., Chávez Fuentes1, B., Kozel2, Z., Kovács3
1 VOLKSWAGEN SLOVAKIA, a.s., Bratislava, Slovakia
2 Volkswagen Slovakia, a.s., Bratislava, Slovakia
3 Volkswagen Slovakia, Bratislava, Slovakia
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Brief content The development of the operational strategy comprised the gradual induction of the sludge activation process into an intermittent operation mode, based on its hydraulic loading rate. The implementation of the standby mode has made possible to react in time to any sudden production stop (COVID-19 arrival) or during periods of lower production (as seen during the chip shortage and the Russian invasion of Ukraine), by fulfilling successfully all requirements. The standby mode has contributed to achieve savings of up to 1070 €/day (factory's non-productive day).
ID 413