Contribution information

Title Development of a flow-through permeation apparatus for biorelevant dissolution measurement
Status Accepted
Final type Lecture
Final session PERMEA 2022 - Membrane reactors
Authors D., Zůza1, T., Boleslavská2, O., Dammer3, J., Beránek4, F., Štěpánek5
1 UCT Prague, Departement of chemical engineering, Laboratory of Chemical robotics, Prague 6, Czechia
2 University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Prague, Czechia
3 Zentiva k.s., Prague, Czechia
4 Zentiva, k.s. U Kabelovny 130, 102 37, Prague, Czechia
5 University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Prague, Czechia
Uploaded abstract link
Brief content This work aims to develop a permeation apparatus as an addition to the dissolution procedure. The dissolution can be standard USP dissolution, but also not standard custom setup. The cell should ideally simulate GIT absorption and should be scalable up to the surface area of GIT. The developed cell can accommodate various types of membrane including membrane with grown living cells.
ID 406