Contribution information

Title What happens to microplastics in nature
Status Accepted
Final type Lecture
Final session Bioengineering and biotechnology
Authors M., Spáčilová1, P., Dytrych2, R., Fajgar3, M., Koštejn4, O., Šolcová5
1 Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, Praha, Czechia
2 ÚCHP AV ČR, Praha , Czechia
3 ÚCHP AV ČR, Praha , Czechia
4 ÚCHP AV ČR, Praha , Czechia
5 ÚCHP AV ČR, Praha 6, Czechia
Uploaded abstract link
Brief content The work is focused on the preparation and characterization of microplastic particles and a simulated degradation by UV radiation was performed.
ID 395