Contribution information

Title Natural convection and electroconvection in ion-exchange systems
Status Accepted
Final type Lecture
Final session PERMEA 2022 - Electro-membrane processes
Authors J., Strnad1, L., Vobecká2, P., Polezhaev3, T., Belloň4, Z., Slouka5
1 University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague, Prague, Czechia
2 University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Praha 6, Czechia
3 University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague, Prague, Czechia
4 University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague, Prague, Czechia
5 UCT Prague, Prague, Czechia
Uploaded abstract link
Brief content The lecture will focus on experimental observation of convective structures that occur on ion exchange systems under DC polarization. These structures are analyzed by means of particle image velocimetry providing both qualitative character of the developed convection and also quantitative analysis. The contribution will show how convection contributes to the ionic mass transfer that is limiting in depletion layers of teh aforementioned systems.
ID 376