Contribution information

Title Novel membrane-assisted process for CO2 separation from gas mixtures
Status Accepted
Final type Lecture
Final session PERMEA 2022 - Gas/vapour membrane separation
Authors P., Uchytil1, K., Setnickova2, R., Petrickovic3, V., Sima4
1 Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, Prague 6, Czechia
2 Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, Prague 6, Czechia
3 Institute of chemical process Fundamentals of the CAS, Prague 6, Czechia
4 Institute of chemical process Fundamentals of the CAS, Prague 6, Czechia
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Brief content Gas and vapour separation by membrane technology has become a promising method because of its high energy efficiency, low capital investment and low operating cost. Here, we demonstrate proof of concept of the design of a new type of liquid membrane called the "dynamic liquid bubble membrane” (DLBM).
ID 361