Contribution information

Title Evaluation of nonadienal biosynthesis in borage
Status Accepted
Final type Poster
Final session Bioengineering and biotechnology
Authors V., Sitkey1, P., Dočolomanský2, I., Čičová3
1 Axxence Slovakia s.r.o., Bratislava, Slovakia
2 Axxence Slovakia s.r.o., Bratislava 1, Slovakia
3 NPPC VÚRV, Piešťany, Slovakia
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Brief content Biocatalytic synthesis of nonadienal in Borago officinalis proceeds via lipoxygenase metabolic pathway, by the consecutive actions of a 9-lipoxygenase and 9-hydroperoxide lyase. Enzyme system of higher plant such as borage represents an effective tool to prepare natural nonadienal from agricultural renewable raw material.
ID 360