Contribution information

Title Photo-catalytic and temperature-assisted air purification from VOC and NOx using a pilot-scale photo-reactor
Status Accepted
Final type Lecture
Final session Reaction engineering and catalysis
Authors J., Lasek1, K., Głód2
1 Institute of Energy and Fuel Processing Technology, Zabrze, Poland
2 Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal, Zabrze, Poland
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Brief content This contribution shows an early stage of project realization. We propose the application of pilot-scale photo-reactor to the process of air purification from selected volatile organic compounds (VOCs, like acetone, toluene, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde) and NOx (i.e. NO). The pilot-scale photo-reactor (annular type, diameter of 100 mm and 80 mm, length of 1120 mm, flow rate of 50-300 L/h of air) was designed and built as a result of our previous project and co-operation. This reactor was successfully applied in the process of NOx removal from real-condition flue gas taken directly from combustion chamber. It should be underlined that instead of photo-catalytic air purification from poisonous gases and stinks the photo-catalysis has potential to air disinfection from bacteria and viruses. The experience of pilot-scale photo-reactor application in flue-gas purification and insights into the reactor application in air purification upon a new project will be analysed and discussed.
ID 296