Contribution information

Title Utilization of safety indices in inherently safer design of chemical processes
Status Accepted
Final type Lecture
Final session MULTI-PI - Multilevel process intensification
Authors J., Janošovský1, I., Rosa2, G., Vincent3, Ľ., Jelemenský4
1 Centrum výskumu a vývoja, s. r. o., Leopoldov, Slovakia
2 Institute of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, FCHPT STU, Bratislava, Slovakia
3 Department of Chemical & Process Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom
4 Institute of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, FCHPT STU, Bratislava, Slovakia
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Brief content The concept of inherent safety design has been around for decades, however, its application in real production processes is scarce despite its many benefits. The conceptual design phase is probably the most crucial stage of each project as many fundamental decisions are made during its period. Many of these decisions are difficult or even impossible to revert in the later stages of the project and therefore careful selection of design both from the economical and safety point is necessary. Unlike complex hazard identification techniques such as HAZOP or FMEA, safety index methods do not require thorough piping and instrumentation diagrams for implementation and thus are suitable for application in early process design. In presented work, we show a conceptual design of an automated tool involving multiple index methods and its application on different process alternatives.
ID 285