Contribution information

Title A comparison of different methods to determine N-methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) concentration
Status Accepted
Final type Lecture
Final session Industrial process design and control
Authors J., Wojtasik-Malinowska1, D., Zawadzki2, M., Piątkowski3, M., Jaskulski4, A., Górak5
1 Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Lodz, Poland
2 Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Łódź, Poland
3 Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Lodz, Poland
4 Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Lodz, Poland
5 TU Dortmund University, Department of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering, Laboratory of Fluid Separations, Dortmmund, Germany
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