Contribution information

Title Isobaric Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for Binary Mixtures of biomass-derived Gamma-Valerolactone + Tetrahydrofuran and 2-Methyltetrahydrofuran
Status Not decided yet
Type Lecture
Session Separation processes
Authors M., Allami1, D., Havasi2, L., Mika3
1 Department of Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
2 Department of Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
3 Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
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Brief content The vapour pressures for the 2-MeTHF and THF were experimentally determined and correlated by Clark-Glew and Antoine equations. VLE data for the 2-MeTHF with GVL were measured at two isobaric conditions: atmospheric and half-atmospheric pressures. The correlation of the data was launched by using Wilson, NRTL and UNIQUAC models.
ID 257