Contribution information

Title Ethyl acetate production in a single reactive distillation column - intensification of reactive distillation process via auxiliary reaction
Status Not decided yet
Type Lecture
Session MULTI-PI - Multilevel process intensification
Authors B., Šulgan1, D., Paulenova2, Z., Labovská3
1 Institute of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, FCHPT STU, Bratislava, Slovakia
2 Institute of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia
3 Institute of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, FCHPT STU, Bratislava, Slovakia
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Brief content A reactive distillation column for ethyl acetate production is designed. An auxiliary chemical reaction is deployed to remove water and thus enable the separation of pure ethyl acetate. Hydration of ethylene oxide to form ethylene glycol has been proposed as the auxiliary reaction.
ID 202