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Title Process for the recovery of phenol from a reaction mixture obtained by cumene method
Status Not decided yet
Type Poster
Session Separation processes
Authors I., Gaganov1, A., Frolkova2, A., Frolkova3
1 MIREA-Russian Technological University/ GIPROBIOSINTEZ LLC, Moscow, Russia
2 Russian Technological University, Moscow, Russia
3 MIREA-Russian Technological University, Moscow, Russia
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Brief content The case study is related to the separation of recovery of phenol from a reaction mixture obtained by cumene method. The parameters of the NRTL equation for mathematical modeling of six-component mixture containing phenol, acetone, water, alpha-methylstyrene, isopropyl benzene and diethylene glycol (DEG) which acts as a separating agent in the extractive distillation process (ER) were obtained. The adequacy of the mathematical model was confirmed by a satisfactory description of the available experimental data on azeotropy, VLE (with a relative error of no more than 5 %) and the reproduction of the actual modes of distillation columns operation (compositions of distillate and bottom flows with fixed static parameters of the columns: number of stages, feed stage, feed temperature, reflux ratio). Calculation of the relative volatility coefficients of components forming azeotropes at pressures of 760, 100 mm Hg confirmed the feasibility of using DEG as a separating agent of the extractive distillation. The volatility of all the considered components relative to the phenol increases at different amounts of DEG. The process flowsheet includes both the extractive distillation column and the entrainer regeneration column. The entrainer flow rate, column reflux ratios and feed locations were optimized by minimizing the total energy consumption. The obtained columns parameters allow separating phenol of high-quality (99.98 wt %).
ID 184